
Saitek x52 star citizen profile
Saitek x52 star citizen profile

saitek x52 star citizen profile

my brother has a x52 (non pro) for about nine years. It began to have some issues with z-axis and it makes some noise, which is acceptable for its age. a mate had a x52 (non pro) which made out-of-the-box about the same noise as the X56. my X52's throttle broke three weeks after buying it. Had it replaced by Amazon, because Saitek support was slow (it took a week of e-mailing back and forth, before they told me to send it to them on my own expenses priomising me it would take about four weeks). Six months later the throttle was broken again. It is very obvious that Mad Catz really did a lot of damage to the Saitek brand. Before MC, Saitek was known for their quality. And anyone with the old ones will tell you this. However, I think the move to logitech will help restore their previous quality.ġ X-52pro still working fine, but lacks in options.ġ X-55 not working, and voided warranty after fixing the first failure.Ģ X-56 first one I broke the Yaw spring (have sense put a dead zone at the top of the yaw).

saitek x52 star citizen profile

Sent in on warranty right when Logitech bought them.


  • Saitek x52 star citizen profile